



About Us

LaneTerralever encourages a culture of independent thought, innovation, and problem-solving – finding great solutions to new challenges. We are extremely motivated but have a great respect for work-life balance. We’re not big on egos and attitudes – we’re all here to learn from each other, create amazing work for our clients and to help shape the industry we work in. If you want to work for a firm that honors your experience, integrity, and passion for the business, then we are the company for you.

We’re serious about the work because we’re pretty passionate about the challenges our clients bring to us. We’re seriously light hearted because we check our egos at the door and encourage a free spirit all our own. We stay motivated, but respect work-life balance. We value the mindspace needed to innovate but with the humble confidence to share strong, informed opinions. We’re all about excellence in the finest details and honor experience and passion, and commitment to learning from each other.
We work out of a pretty inspiring space in, what we think is the best part of town. We give a weekly award for the most kick-ass LTer. Our culture club deserves its own fan club. We have a secret bookcase that leads to a speakeasy. We have snacks on snacks on snacks. And the tunes are always on. But what’s most important of all are values: Humble Confidence, Unity, Boldness, Integrity, Speed with Purpose, and Craftmanship.
We provide the opportunity to participate in industry leading healthcare benefits, 401k matching opportunities, and even insurance for your pets. Speaking of pets, they are always welcome in our office. Employees also participate in quarterly events which range from helping out one of our non-profits that we work closely with on a day-to-day basis to enjoying a spring training baseball game.


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